The Programs of Catholic Charities of Herkimer County
We are committed to providing compassionate, individualized care to everyone in need, ensuring their dignity and well-being are upheld.
We work tirelessly to empower individuals and families by offering resources and programs that promote self-sufficiency and long-term stability.
We believe in serving all members of our community, regardless of background or circumstance, fostering an environment of equality and respect.
Frankfort/Ilion Food Pantry: Provides emergency and supplemental food to those in need, serves residents of Ilion & Frankfort/Schuyler School Districts – Visit The Pantry Page
Food $en$e Program: Food co-op program that offers quality food at a reasonable price, to enable individuals to stretch their food dollars. Learn More About Food $en$e
Emergency Assistance Program: Catholic Charities responds to the unmet needs of individuals and families in Herkimer County with emergency assistance by providing for needs such as food, medication, short term shelter, utilities and clothing. Need Emergency Assistance?
Housing Program (CCHC): Catholic Charities of Herkimer County’s Housing Program offers rapid rehousing and homelessness prevention services to individuals and families in Herkimer County. Visit the CCHC Page Here
Kateri’s Thrift Shop: Provides quality used clothing and household items to families and individuals regardless of income or geographic location. Visit The Thrift Shop
Nutrition Outreach &Education Program (NOEP): provides SNAP education and offers free confidential pre-screening for SNAP eligibility, as well as individual assistance with the SNAP application process. Learn More About NOEP
Transportation/Companionship Program: Provides transportation, companionship and case management services to individuals who are receiving Medicaid and have gaps in services. Transportation includes trips to medical appointments, pharmacy and to the store to promote health and wellness. Visit The Transportation/Companionship Page
Herkimer County Prevention Council: Provides comprehensive substance abuse prevention education services as defined by the New York State Office of Addiction Services and Support targeting individuals, families, schools and communities in Herkimer County. Visit The Prevention Council Page
Community Partnership Coalition of Herkimer County: the collaboration and mobilization of community members dedicated to the prevention of alcohol and substance abuse among youth and adults in Herkimer County. Learn More About CPC
Mental Health Awareness Training (MHAT): Offers a wide range of mental health trainings and suicide prevention education that are designed to meet the needs of individuals, organizations, businesses, and schools. Learn More About MHAT
MVPRC: a Regional Addiction Resource Center serving Fulton, Herkimer, Montgomery, Oneida, Otsego and Schoharie Counties. MVPRC provides prevention, treatment, and recovery resources to residents of the Mohawk Valley. Visit The MVPRC Page
Prevention Connection (CPIP) : A seven county initiative that provides the evidence-based Teen Intervene and Parenting Wisely curriculums to teens and parents in a virtual capacity, filling the gaps in rural counties. Learn About CPIP Here
RISE: Provides individuals and their families with recovery support through peer-to-peer services, wellness activities, sober events and education and training opportunities. Visit The RISE Page
Health Insurance Information, Counseling and Assistance Program (HIICAP): provides clients with free, unbiased, and confidential information relating to Medicare, EPIC, Medigaps, Medicare Advantage plans, Medicare Part D, long-term care insurance, Medicaid, Patients Assistance Programs and other health insurance issues. Visit The HIICAP Page
HOPE Ministries: Volunteer program designed to help older adults remain independent in their communities by providing services such as shopping for and with clients, laundry, light housekeeping, friendly visit, non-medical transportation. Learn More About HOPE Ministries
RSVP of Herkimer County: Retired and Senior Volunteer Program affords seniors, 55 years and older, the opportunity to share their talents, interests, and compassion through direct services in their communities in Herkimer County. Visit The RSVP Page
Retired Individuals Driving Elderly (RIDE): a volunteer based program that provides transportation & companionship to medical appointments for Herkimer County residents 55+. Learn More About RIDE
Wellness Initiative for Senior Education (WISE): is an evidence based program that aims to help older adults increase their knowledge and awareness of issues related to their health and the aging process through participation in interactive activities. Visit The WISE Page
Domestic Violence Program of Herkimer County: Catholic Charities Domestic Violence Program of Herkimer County provides confidential and comprehensive support to individuals affected by domestic and intimate partner violence. We offer crisis intervention, counseling, legal advocacy, and emergency shelter for those experiencing abuse in their relationship. Our program strives to prevent the cycle of violence through education, intervention, and social change. We are the sole licensed provider of residential and non-residential services to victims in Herkimer County. Visit The DV Page
24-hour Hotline 315-866-0458 Free & Confidential
Supervised Visitation Center: provides families with the opportunity to visit with their child(ren) in a safe environment. The focus is on providing a physically and emotionally safe environment for children to visit with non-custodial parent(s). Learn More About Our Supervised Visitation Center
Runaway and Homeless Youth Program (RHY): RHY works with runaway, homeless and at-risk youth up to the age of 21, providing a 24-hour crisis hotline, emergency housing, crisis and on-going counseling for youth and families; transportation; independent living skills, referrals ; mentoring and advocacy, and youth engagement. Learn More About RHY
Hotline # 315-866-1112
Safe Harbour Initiative: a system level collaboration with child welfare and other youth serving agencies to provide an effective response to youth who are vulnerable to or have experienced commercial sexual exploitation or trafficking. Visit The Safe Harbour Page
Teaching Reconciliation and Education to Administrators, Teachers and Youth(TREATY): a program that focuses on skill-building to enhance coping skills and teaches conflict resolution. Visit TREATY’s Page
Youth Engagement Service Program (Y.E.S.): a System of Cares program that provides youth driven activities within the community, assists youth in the coordination of the yearly Herkimer County Youth Summit to bring mental health awareness into their communities. Learn More About YES
Your generosity helps us provide vital services to those in need. Together, we can create lasting change in our community.
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Albany is one of the largest, private, social service agencies in the region, helping more than 84,000 people each year in the fourteen counties of the Albany Diocese. Our motive is simple: to address basic human need at all stages of life regardless of race, religious belief, ethnicity, or lifestyle with special emphasis on the poor and vulnerable in our society.
61 West Street
Ilion, NY 13357-1723
501 (c) 3 non profit organization
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