Report A problem

Report A Problem To Us

Catholic Charities strives to provide quality services, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. This form can be used to report to the Compliance Office any concerns regarding any fraud, waste, compliance or other ethical concerns about our programs and services.

You may submit this form anonymously, or include your contact information to assist in our ability to follow up on your concern. We will make efforts to ensure confidentiality of the information you provide, however there maybe circumstances when the disclosure of this information is necessary. To protect your privacy, we will not collect any user information when submitting this web form. We appreciate if you include your name and contact information so we can reach you if we need additional information. We appreciate your communication about concerns, and your report will be forwarded to the Compliance Office for follow up. You also can contact the Compliance Office by phone at 315-894-9917 or by emailing Maureen Petrie at: